Arctic nature management. A new paradigm

  • L. V. Yakimenko.Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia

  • Ivanenko N.V.

    N.V. Ivanenko. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


Human activity is playing a substantial role in changing the ecosystems of the Arctic and forming zones of ecological distress. The natural resources of the Russian Arctic are enormous, which has resulted in their intensive exploitation, despite the harsh climatic conditions that limit human economic activity in the region. Natural resource management in the Arctic has been conducted without considering unique features of the region’s ecosystems. These include low renewability under conditions of permafrost, and long recovery periods (tens or even hundreds of years) of natural resources of anthropogenicdisturbed territories. The extremely fragile nature of the Arctic has made it vulnerable
to powerful, biosphere-transforming anthropogenic factors. The review presents an analysis of the literature data and the authors ' own opinions about the role of man as an economic entity in the Arctic. The sustainable management of natural resources is considered to be the basis for development of the territories of the Arctic. This article assesses the prospects for rational natural resource management in areas where the use of biological and mineral resources has led to catastrophic consequences for ecosystems in the vast territories of the North of Russia. The state of natural resource management in the Arctic at present is characterized by a crisis of the socio-ecological and economic systems.
Important areas for preserving the biodiversity of Arctic ecosystems are the conservation of marine biological resources and the creation and support of specially protected natural areas (SPNA). There is a defined problem of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions in the Arctic. It has been shown that in order to solve the environmental problems associated with the loss of natural resources and the degradation of the Arctic
landscapes, a new approach to the system of natural resource management is needed. This approach should be based on the concept of sustainable development and biospherocentrism in contrast to anthropocentrism.

Keywords: natural resource management, Arctic resource development, arctic natural resource
management, rational natural resource management, sustainable natural resource
management, "cowboy economy", Arctic nature protection.